Monday, 28 November 2011
Arse... or why everything sucks today!
My husband and I are still sick so our bedroom sounded like a plague ward this morning. After coughing our guts up for 10 minutes and girding ourselves to give the (thankfully germ free) angel his breakfast, we found out that our childcare for the next 2 days had let us down (Mother in law was whisked off on a birthday holiday as a surprise so I can't really be cross about that).
However, with the imminent house move, a need to sort out our subsiding house before the workmen arrive today and my husband being super busy work wise, it does create rather an issue for the next 2 days...
I would perfectly happily book a day off but my boss and her boss are in San Francisco all week so couldn't approve it anyway, plus I have a ridiculously large and mystical meeting with Facebook and a client tomorrow so can't take the morning off anyway.
Then I journeyed to work. It was super bloody cold. My ears and nose were FREEEZING. At Clapham Junction, there were loads of rude people who weren't looking where they were going. At Victoria, the Victoria line entrance was shut AGAIN - thanks TFL - due to overcrowding so had to stand in the cold.
Then my husband called with yet another company I have to call - British Gas - to sort out the subsiding house. Yet another log on the to do list... Plus loads of people, rude people, were pushing through the packed crowd trying to get across the queue to a part of the station that was clearly blocked off, with backpacks. I fucking hate backpacks, but that is another story.
Then the people I called to see if they could babysit munchkin tomorrow couldn't. I made it to the office to be confronted with a really crap presentation from a creative agency who clearly haven't thought through any elements of the planned campaign and now I have to do a conference call with them all, and my clients, without shouting, ripping their heads off or questioning how on earth they pass themselves off as a fully functional agency when they are clearly so SHIT at understanding how media and digital works.
I also have 20 calls to make today to get my house move sorted, plus a load of other little tiny bits to do that in general, along with everything else, add up to me wanting to either crawl under my desk, cry and drink wine or set fire to everyone and everything that comes near me.
I am blisteringly angry, frustrated and generally about ready to snap. So if you are reading this, and likely to encounter me for the next 24 hours or so, I really suggest that you avoid me like an unexploded IED and back slowly away as I am likely to rip your head off and spit down your neck for saying hello.
In summary, the world can fuck off today. Call me when it is Wednesday.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Wisley RHS gardens
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
30 Days hath November - some inspiration for the season

30 Days Hath November
Twitter: #30dayshathnovember
30 Days hath November - a favourite Movie
But I think my favourite film of all time has to be Disney films. It is tough to choose which one... Finding Nemo is frankly ace, and I like the Lion King a lot. The new one, Tangled, was wicked as well. But I think my all time favourite is probably The Little Mermaid.
I am so looking forward to watching them with my son when he is old enough to really watch them. Til then, sing along now, "under the sea...."
30 Days Hath November
Twitter: #30dayshathnovember
30 Days hath November - 3 blogs I can't get enough of...
I admit I prefer ones I can follow on Twitter as well as reading the blog as it lets me keep up to date with when they post from my most used medium (I spend a silly amount of time on Twitter).
My current favourite 3 are:

Rugby Media - a great bloke called Nick who produces rugby based content and went to the world cup. He is very funny and just breaking into TV. He tweets often and writes well thought out rugby commentary, I am a fan of his work...

30 Days Hath November
Twitter: #30dayshathnovember
30 Days Hath November - Something I have been craving...
Recently my lovely friend Lyns went to Doha to visit her future parents in law. While there, her boyfriend had Steak Tartare, she had never tried so she did and posted a photo on Facebook of it. Ever since, I have had a mad craving for Steak Tartare...
I was in a place called the Riding House Cafe on Great Titchfield St that served it today with some people from Stardoll but they ordered a tapas style starter so I didn't get to order it. Gutted... as judging by how great the rest of the food was there, it would have been awesome.
I know if is a bit of a polarising dish for some people, who couldn't contemplate eating raw meat, but I just adore everything about the taste, richness, texture. It is up there with ethical foie gras & sashimi as one of my favourite dishes of all time.
I guess some might say I am not that politically correct in my eating, but I am stringent in eating from and in places that ethically source their ingredients and only buy high quality meat where I can guarantee the quality of life of the animals, so I don't feel bad about eating some more unusual, and raw, dishes.
30 Days Hath November
Twitter: #30dayshathnovember
30 Days Hath November - What I love about my job
Brought to you by Sofawned 30 Days Hath November
Twitter #30dayshathnovember
Thursday, 10 November 2011
30 days hath November - the last thing I purchased
The cutest little animal camera in the world
Monday, 7 November 2011
30 Days Hath November - a song for the day
It is SongBird, by Eva Cassidy.
It was sung at a wedding I was at last weekend by a fantastic singer/songwriter called Lucy Westhead who was also a bridesmaid. It was written originally by Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac, one of my fav old school bands and was on Rumours, one of their biggest albums. It was also used as a Sapphic love song in Glee from Santana played by Naya Rivera to Brittany in Glee! series 2
I have been singing it to my son as I love the words so much - you can see the lyrics here
30 Days Hath November - a book I am reading
Anyway, speaking of the past, I have been reading a series of books lately, of which there are currently 7, with more on the way.
It is the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, which is seems most people have heard of, except for me. My Dad didn't like it, but my Mum and all her friends did so I thought I would give it a go. Its about time travel, and Scotland, and the 1700s, and America, and war, and uprisings etc etc - it is a pretty big old story. I do love a big old story! There is also a fair bit of sex, swearing, fighting and love stories.
I read monstrously fast and so I tend to like big 700-800 page books, preferably in series of several books so that I can really get into them. My mum lent me them and, while they can be a little slow and sometimes I do just want to scream "please get on with the story and stop talking about the damn trees", they are pretty good. Even if I am 6 books in and no closer to the answers of questions I had in book 1 *sigh*.
It isn't my usual sort of book, but they are very readable...
See it here on Amazon - Diana Gabaldon A Breath of Snow and Ashes
(I would put up a picture but the blogger image upload doesn't seem to be working today, I will add it later)
30 days hath November
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Things I like today...
This website is totally brilliant and just fun user experience at its best... Thanks to @timothywhalin for the link...
That is all, I feel ill and crap so don't like much at the moment...
30 days hath November - 3 years ago today
My friend Jenny's company Marlin PR launched a new tech company called Amplify and I posted a link to an article on brand republic about it on my Facebook, I was very proud! Later on in the evening, I seem to have gone to the fireworks on Clapham Common with chums.
I am not sure if it's the same round the globe but the 5th November is Guy Fawkes night or Fireworks night in the UK. It's a weird holiday... Basically guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament in London but failed on the 5th November in the year of sometime a very long time ago... Ironically the hacker group Anonymous use the guy Fawkes mask to wear when they appear at demonstrations.
So to "celebrate" guy Fawkes failure, every year we build a huge bonfire, make a fake man called the Guy to be burnt on top (I think they did burn the real bloke at the stake too) and set off lots of fireworks and have sparklers, mulled wine, apple bobbing, toffee apples and really cold BBQ weather!
It's proper good fun and in London, on Clapham Common, we have an awesome free fireworks display that is set to music including usually the star wars theme tune which makes my dear geeky husband very happy... There are usually tens of thousands of people and afterwards, everyone heads to the local bars and has a huge party...
So that is what I was doing 3 years ago today... According to social media... (thank god for Facebook and twitter or I might have to rely on my memory!)
Wonder if I will see any fireworks tonight?! I hope they don't wake my son!
30 Days hath November - Day 4 a friend I adore...
So instead, I chose my dear friend Bex... Why? Because she is hilarious, kind, thoughtful and mad. Plus she makes a quality cup of tea and the best potato dauphinois in the world...
As an example, at the wedding I was at last weekend, at 3 in the morning, she stole a broadsword from a display in the castle and started swinging it round her head (mad). She also temporarily stole the cash for the band out of the best man's pocket, leading him to nearly expire with worry (hilarious). She was also wonderful when my little one was born and I wasn't coping too well when my husband had to go back to work.
So, the friend I adore is Bex. Thanks for being you... Now stick the kettle on!
30 days hath November - Day 3 catch up!
It's hard to show a photo of what I never leave the house without as it is my blackberry and that is also my usual camera for blogging so it's tricky to take a photo of ur own camera...
The other thing I always carry is a whole host of products, Vaseline lip balm, anti wrinkle cream, hand cream etc.
I definitely never leave the house without Atrixo hand cream. It's by far the best one for me and it's a classic!
Especially since my baby was born and I wash my hands twice as often as normal... After nappy changes, before fixing baby food etc etc, my hands end up awfully dry, so I never leave the house without...
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
The stuff of dreams...
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Thanks to debra prinzing |
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Large Free Range Eggs |
- Place eggs in boiling water until just hard boiled (about 5-6 minutes).
- Immediately run under cold water until cool enough to handle - the cold water also stops them cooking any further and ending up too hard.
- Peel all eggs of their shell and inner "skin" bit (tap at one end, slide your finger gently under the side of the shell and push along under the shell, it should come away stuck to the skin and in largish pieces)
- Place in a large bowl
- Using a sharp knife, begin chopping the eggs roughly in the bowl
- Once all the eggs are roughly chopped into inch or so pieces, add the knob of butter and continue chopping - it is the butter that makes this a superior sandwich, as the eggs are still slightly warm from cooking, the butter melts and blends with the egg, making it a little richer, a little smoother and just more delicious. This is the bit my Mum does that no other recipe says to do...
- Once the pieces of egg are smallish, you can switch to a fork, to squash the egg/butter mixture but don't make it smooth - you still want small chunks about the same size as chocolate chips you get in a cookie.
- Squirt in your required amount of Heinz Salad Cream - I am not sure if they have it in the USA but you could use mayonnaise and a tiny bit of white wine vinegar instead.
- Mix everything together (including cress if you fancy it) and season with pepper (white pepper if you are being fancy) as required
- Butter the wholemeal bread and pile on the egg mixture
- Top the sandwich and then cut each set into 4 squares or triangles, depending on your personal favourite (I like squares myself)
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Superior Egg Sandwiches |
Its pretty much my dream afternoon, sitting in a gorgeous garden, with sandwiches made from eggs from my own chickens, bread baked by my husband and our family all around us.
God knows how practical all this wish making is, my job only really exists in London or other major cities and I don't want a huge commute or I would never see my son during the week.
So maybe it is all just the stuff of dreams, but at least in the meantime, I can make my dream sandwich...
"Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The above quote could easily apply to any farm aspiring blogger, such as myself...
30 days hath November - day 2 "quotes"
Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgement difficult.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
Judy Garland
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quotes always sound so cheesy when you write them out like this, but these are 3 that I really like.
30 Days Hath November
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Baby Monitors and why I wish Apple would make one...
Have they never heard of testing, or user experience, or actually making a product do what it is designed to do? Apparently not...
I am on my 3rd baby monitor or baby alarm since my baby was born 8 months ago. This is just ridiculous but true. Why is it impossible to find a monitor that actually monitors the baby, isn't covered in lights at both ends and doesn't break after 8 weeks!?!? I could honestly design a much better baby monitor than any of the ones I have seen on the market. It drives me up the parenting wall that no one puts enough thought into these important, and expensive products!
I didn't want to buy 3 baby alarms, I had to. They weren't cheap and I resent that it is impossible to find the perfect baby monitor. Parents deserve good product user experiences too - I bet Apple or Bang and Olufsen could get it right... or could they - there's a challenge for you great designers...
So here is why I had to buy 3 monitors (and I am still not happy with this one), we will work through them in chronological order:
1. Phillips DECT Baby Monitor £100
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Phillips DECT Baby Monitor £100 |
- Humidity and temperature sensor
- ECO mode
- Adjustable sound sensitivity
- Out of range/low power signals
- Lullabies and night light
- LEDs light to signal noise
- Superior operating time
- Two way communication
- DECT software gives crystal clear sound and a private connection
- Rechargeable wireless parent unit
While this is a perfectly sweet list of features, it fails to recognise one, somewhat key, element of a baby monitor.
I want to be able to actually HEAR my baby!
Even with the volume on the parent unit turned up to full blast, the sound that actually came out was little above a whisper. That is fine during a dinner party, but when it is on charge, halfway across the living room, it makes the whole unit pretty pointless. Yes, there are lights on the top that would light up when he made a noise, but this meant I basically had to sit and stare at the parent unit for the whole evening. If I wanted to sit and stare at something, I would sit and stare at my son, not a monitor. It made me totally paranoid that I would miss him crying after it happened a couple of times when by the time he was crying loud enough for the sound to make it across the sofa, he had got really really upset.
Other issues with it included a green light that always stayed on, on the baby side of the monitor which my son would stare at (he loves lights!) and therefore not fall asleep (I had to stick a small black sticker over that) and the rechargeable battery in the parent unit, which started to disconnect itself randomly after about 3 months - it was fully charged and the screen would just go blank (with no warning, so you wouldn't realise for 10 minutes it had turned itself off...).
All in all, it seemed perfect when I bought it, but if I could have tested it in the shop, and realised the baby would have to bellow like a lion for me to hear him through it, I would never have bought it!
So onto number 2:
2. Tomy Digital Plus TD350 Monitor £85
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Tomy Digital Plus TD350 Monitor |
When I bought this, I thought Tomy was such a well respected brand for baby monitors, that I couldn't go wrong. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon.
Firstly, the base unit in the babies room had a huge illuminated green power switch on it that lit up half of his room and woke him up if he stirred so I had to drape a dark cloth over it every night which muffled the sound somewhat. Secondly, despite never having spilt water on it, after about 10 weeks, the parent unit connections to the docking station started rusting. Rusting! So then it wouldn't sit in the charger cleanly or charge properly.
On the plus side, it was very clear sound and I liked the fact that I could attach the child base to the outside of the cot bars. But it is now in a bin, because the charging parts finally failed and there is no point to a monitor with no parent unit.
And our current model, monitor number 3!
3. Binatone Motorola MBP36 Digital Video Monitor £160 at Argos
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Motorola MBP36 Digital Video Monitor |
- 2.4GHz FHSS wireless technology
- Data encryption for security
- 3.5” Large Colour LCD screen
- Up to 25 FPS
- Infrared night vision
- Pan, tilt and zoom remotely
- Room temperature monitor
- Five polyphonic lullabies
- Five LED alerts for noise level
- 200M range with “out-of-range” warning
- High sensitivity microphone
- Two-way communication
- Rechargeable battery (Parent Unit)
However, as I have learnt to my cost, there are some flaws with this monitor too. There is a green light on the front of the baby unit that can distract babies in the dark. Also, the 2 way communication function on the units doesn't seem to actually come out very loud in the baby's room - it sounds like a whisper even when talking quite loudly. The battery can also run out quite quickly if you keep the video screen switched on (although it does turn the video screen off automatically after 5 minutes if you leave it on, in order to conserve power). Finally, and my biggest personal bugbear about it - the permanent lights on the parent unit... The blue ON light and green connect light... During the evening in a normal room, not a problem at all. The big problem is that now our baby is bigger, he sleeps in his own room, but we have the parent unit in our room so I can just keep an ear on him. The lights are like search lamps!! They are so bloody bright that you can discern the glow with your eyes closed and this, quite frankly, drives me up the wall.
My perfect monitor doesn't exist yet, there are apps for iphones and ipads but they are still a bit clunky. What I really want is an iMonitor (fictional obviously) designed by Apple, with remote controlled night vision video, no permanently on lights at either end, that can be safely attached to the top of a cot without any dangers of babies chewing wires, remote log in access from ipads or iphones so I can see him when he is staying at my parents (I miss him) as well as all the other bells and whistles that usually come with the monitors these days.
We have now spent nearly £300 on monitors, just to have the batteries disconnect, parts go rusty or to keep me awake all night with annoying lights. It is very frustrating, so if any brands ever bother reading this, turn the lights out before you leave!!
30 days hath November - Day 1
Monday, 31 October 2011
Jane and Tim's Wedding
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Jane and Tim's Wedding |
Such a gorgeous wedding at the stunning Peckforton Castle near Chester. They had done a brilliant job considering the arson related fire they had there in June.
Everyone had the most wonderful day, and night and set up many many memories for the future.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Road Trip!
We have hired a nice car (well it is an astra estate but it is brand new which can only be good) and just set off into the sunshine for our lovely friends, Jane and Tim's wedding. The wedding is at a gorgeous castle called Peckforton Castle near Chester. Its stunning!
Tonight we are staying at lovely Bexy's mum's place, the one and only Penster! I suspect we might share a couple of beverages tonight while we are there... Dangerous as the guys who are already there spent last night drinking too much wine, eating dog biscuits and then one fell asleep under the table with a dog (that would be Bex!).
I am currently being subjected to ganster rap in the car from my husband's iphone... This is bloody silly as he is driving an estate car in a barbour. You can't imagine how stupid I feel...
I have pulled out all the stops for this wedding. I borrowed a fantastic emerald green dress from my dear friend Sam, who has more dresses than I can possibly count! I have my Manolo Blahniks for the reception or as long as I can keep them on for before I have to change into equally high, but less killer, heels. I have a fab fascinator and some awesome matching nail varnish so I am hoping I will look nice... Major pressure to look good as the other ladies will be looking stunning at this wedding, plus the bride will be looking awesome I am sure.
I shall obviously post up a picture or two tomorrow. For now, I shall go and try and stop my husband embarrassing us too much with his gangster tunes or running over any cyclists.
Oh, I hate road trips by the way!
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Everyday I'm shuffling...
The best advert of this year? Quite possibly...
This is reinforced by the fact that my mates Beej and Lev love this song and every party has a shuffle off on the dance floor! I have yet to capture the awesomeness of this on video yet but here is the hamster version for now!
Brilliant use of cultural relevancy in advertising - which is usually done very very badly!
I love, and loathe, public transport!
I have had to wait for 3 trains to go past as they are too full to get any more people on. I am not even on a train yet and I've been trying to get to one for 15 minutes!
Its a shame as I genuinely like public transport, unlike my husband who hates tfl, bob crow and everything about it with a passion that borders on obsession! I think it could be very convenient, it can be very pleasant and should work better than it does.
I don't have the answers (but I don't think paying tube drivers over £40k helps - they don't do anything!) but I do hope that it can keep going, get better and not get so expensive that ordinary people are priced off it as has happened with the overground trains into London.
I don't care about ticket offices (I buy my oyster season ticket from my local newsagent) or drivers. I would prefer drivers to convert into more platform staff to help people find their way about and keep the flow of the station moving. More staff actually helping people, rather than standing in ticket offices or cabs would make people feel safer and more comfortable. Especially in the run up to the olympics when thousands of people every hour will be trying to find their way from one platform or tube line to another - tourists don't want drivers, they need help and instructions.
The same with buses, when I first moved to London, I didn't get the bus anywhere as it was far too bloody confusing to figure out where to catch it from, to get where, what number etc. I will admit that the annoying shouty messages DO make it easier to know where you are and therefore where to get off but only because I can follow the bus route on google maps on my phone. Surely tfl or lovely Boris (best mayor EVER) could find a way to simplify and demystify the bus network. I have friends who have lived in london a decade and still can't get on a bus as they aren't sure how it works! And if they can't, how the hell do we expect tourists and olympic visitors to negotiate their way about?
I have finally got to the office. Its taken a long time. I still love public transport but god knows other countries do it so so much better than us. I wonder if london will ever catch up! We claim we are one of the greatest cities in the world. We aren't, not by a long shot, but its got so much potential - if only someone could figure out how to get us from a to b properly, that would be a good start.
Time for work!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
GU chocolate souffles
Yum! A pretty fine afternoon snack!
Spreadsheets will eat your brains...
Store Cupboard Shopping
My friends always laugh that I can knock up a meal from anything, and that is pretty much true. Whether it is born of laziness as I hate going to the shops, or necessity from when I was a student, I can pretty much take a look in the cupboard and make dinner for people from what is there (and maybe the freezer as well but that is technically a cupboard).
I don't put this down to any particular cleverness on my part, merely a decently stocked pantry. My mum has the most awesome pantry & larder that is always a host of treasures so it is no great surprise that I tend to have the same sort of things in order to make last minute meals.
Included in my stocks today are tins of tuna, pulses, herbs, cake mix and pizza bases. From just a few small ingredients, we can make an awesome meal.
For example: Super fast pizza
1 pizza base (frozen or from cupboard pack - do not defrost the pizza base if you have frozen them or it will go soggy)
1/2 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp of pesto
2 cloves of garlic (optional)
oregano or basil (dried)
grated or crumbled cheese of any sort
The it is simply a matter of mixing the tomato and pesto together, spreading it over the pizza base, sprinkle with your chosen cheese, sliced garlic (if you like it), some herbs, black pepper and then put in hot oven (200 degrees) until cooked. If you have any other spare veg etc you want to pop on the top with the cheese, so much the better!
Voila - a delicious pizza, without a trip to the shops, in about 10 minutes. Perfect for when you want junk food but don't want to fork out for a take away.
Anyway, this is just one example of why I need a huge amount of storage space in my kitchen, I can feed an army from the cupboards alone. I love thinking up things to do with what I have, rather than running out and buying specific items for a recipe. It lets me be more creative, to think on my feet and try new things. It doesn't always work I will admit (some truly awful lemon flavoured cous cous springs to mind) but it saves a fortune and means that, no matter who drops in, I can always find something to make them to snack on!
All this talk of food is making me hungry... time for a cup of tea!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Negative Space art - and why I wish my job was reading blogs
Billions of photos are uploaded every day, thousands of blog posts are published every minute and it would take hundreds of years to read all the blogs on the internet.
I love finding interesting things on blogs. I just read a gorgeous article on negative space art and here is my favourite example.
I really need to concentrate but the rest of that blog looks so interesting! Perhaps just one more page...
How to eat a guinea pig... and why you shouldn't
I was in Bolivia, we were in a funny little restaurant, about 15 of us, with a huge bread basket shaped like a reed boat from Lake Titicaca which we later took and tied to the front of our truck - but that is another story...
Guinea pig (Cuy in Bolivian Spanish) - the chicken of the Andes - as our waiter told us. Turned out all those "chicken" stews we had eaten on the islands in Lake Titicaca weren't chicken at all. They were guinea pig.
So I decided that I would order a whole one. My friend was horrified, she used to have a pet guinea pig. I never did, I had hamsters so was pretty relaxed about ordering a rodent for dinner. I have mentioned before that I will eat anything and that is pretty much true so I took great delight in tormenting people with the concept of the dish that was winging its way to my plate.
So dinner is served. It came with chips and rice (everything in Bolivia pretty much comes with chips and rice). It looked like it had been run over and then sent sky diving. It was kind of flat... but ok, there was no need to be Cuy about it (sorry) - my friend moved chairs she was so repulsed by my dinner. So I tried chopping it up with my knife and fork... surprisingly little meat on it... I always thought guinea pigs were kind of fat.
Well fat is one thing they have, the meat was greasy, and hard to get off the bone. I ended up having to virtually dismember the beast and eat it like it was chicken wings. I felt somewhat repulsed.
After putting that much thought and effort into my meal, I was very disappointed by the result. I also ended up being sick, which I firmly accused the guinea pig of, but my friend put down to tequila and cuba libres.
I still blame the little beast for a batch of food poisoning, but it also made some great memories!
It's Official... I am obsessed with food
I love food - pretty much any type of food. Today I had some delicious homemade chicken stew with wilted spinach and new potatoes. It was delicious, fresh with tarragon, creamy, with a hint of tomato and the chicken was perfectly cooked.
Then I discovered Joy the Baker's blog (see image for her spinach breakfast has - YUM) and I am now entirely hungry all over again. It is weird - I can literally eat double what most men would eat and will try pretty much anything. My only conclusion is that... yes, I am obsessed with food.
I really need to make more of an effort
I haven't been blogging, I haven't been keeping in touch with my mates as much as I should, I haven't been concentrating properly.
I put this down to 2 things:
1 - I have a baby and a husband. This leaves pretty much bog all time or money to do anything else. By the time I have got home from work, put the baby to bed, cleaned up all the toys, made dinner and put on some laundry, I have pretty much lost the will to live and want to go to bed.
2 - I read too much. When I am not flapping around the house like an anally retentive idiot, I sit and read. A lot. I read very very quickly and get massively sucked into books. I therefore tend to stop paying attention to what is going on around me.
Recently this has been the fault of a series of books recommended to me by my mother by Diana Gabaldon. So far there are 7 books, I am on number 5. They are not that big, maybe 600 pages each but as I only read after I have done everything else, I am getting frustrated that it has taken me over 3 weeks to read the first 4 books. Before my son was born, I would happily spend hours on a Saturday just sat on the sofa, drinking tea and reading my latest book. However, playing with him and taking him for walks is a lot more fun, but I do miss my reading time!
A further reason I get bugger all done is that I spend far too much time on the internet. As this post would show, rather than having the realisation that I have been a lazy cow about certain things lately, having a word with myself and cracking on with things, I chose to blog about it.
Yep - of all the things I SHOULD be doing, I decided the most pressing thing to do was to reinstate my blog. I have a poor sense of priorities sometimes. But writing about doing nothing is preferable to actually having to do things...